The First Pu'er Forum on Asia-Pacific Forests concluded with an Action Plan
During the First Pu'er Forum on Asia-Pacific Forests, participants actively discussed and exchanged information about Sharing New Forestry Planning and Exploring the Best Paths for Forest Restoration and Sharing Good Practice Cases on Sustainable Forest Management and Utilization. From the presentations and discussions, it is evident that countries have placed increasing importance on the role of forests in green and sustainable development, responding to climate change, and protecting biodiversity. They have improved their policy systems by strengthening planning, updating legislation, and carrying out large-scale afforestation operations. They shared good practices in urban forestry, utilization of bamboo and rattan resources, tree species selection system, community forest benefit sharing mechanism, etc. They expressed that there are still many aspects such as financial support, capacity building, forest quality improvement, balanced protection and development, and forest tenures that require attention. Strengthening cooperation in areas such as resource monitoring and cross-border wildlife cooperation is recommended.
The "Yunnan Day" high-level expert session was also introduced during the Forum, where speakers shared Yunnan's practices of close-to-nature forest management, the creation and application of forest germplasm, the establishment of a natural protected area system, joint prevention and control of pests, and protection and utilization of Simao pine. In addition, the "Sustainable Timber Supply Chain" side event was organized.
Participants visited the China Tea Expo Garden, where multi-services of scientific research on tea, environmental protection, ecological farming, gardening and recreation are integrated and demonstrated
Participants visited the Tropical Arboretum of Yunnan Academy of Forestry and Grassland, to learn more about the collection and domestication of tropical forest germplasm resources, the selection and breeding of forest species, the research and development of breeding technology, and adaptability research and protection of rare and endangered tree species.
The Forum also witnessed an MoU signed between APFNet and the Ministry of Fisheries and Forestry of Fiji on Promoting the Sustainable Development of the Sandalwood Industry in Fiji, and another 4 cooperation agreements signed between the Yunnan Academy of Forestry and Grassland and the Cambodian Institute of Wildlife Research, the Southwest Forestry University and the Kasetsart University of Thailand, the China National Forestry Industry Association and the Laos National Forestry Industry Association, and the Pu'er Municipal Government and the Nature Wood Group Limited.
The Forum was concluded on 26 October, when The Action Plan for Pu’er Forum on Asia-Pacific Forests (2024-2025) was released with the following actions:
1. Signatories will actively promote the implementation of the cooperation agreements signed during the Forum.
2. Stakeholders will collaborate and prepare for the second Pu’er Forum in October 2025.
3. The project the Asia-Pacific Forestry Technology Training Center for Pacific Island Countries, which has been listed in the Global Development Initiative project pool, will be launched in Fiji in 2024.
4. Young forestry Scholars exchanges from China and ASEAN members will be supported through the APFNet-initiated SANFRI mechanism.
5. “Summer Camp for Greater Mekong Sub-region Forestry Undergraduates Program” and “GMS Forest Restoration Demonstration Project” under the Presidents' Forum of Forestry University/Institute in the GMS will be supported.
6. International training courses will be organized for South Asian and Southeast Asian tea farmers.
7. A scholarship program will be established jointly by APFNet and Anhui Gujing Distillery Company Ltd. to support Cambodian and Laotian foresters to pursue postgraduate degrees in forestry universities in China.