Alumni Network
List of APFNet Scholarship Students (2010--2019 Batch) | |||||||
NO | Batch | Economy | Name | Original Agency | University | Major | Dissertation |
1 | 2010 | Thailand | Utharat Pupaiboon | Royal Forest Department, Thailand | BJFU | Forestry | |
2 | 2010 | Lao PDR | Kethsa Nanthavongduangsy | Faculty of Forestry Science National University of Lao | BJFU | Forestry | |
3 | 2010 | Lao PDR | Vongphet Sihapanya | Faculty of Forestry Science National University of Lao | BJFU | Forestry | |
4 | 2010 | PNG | Jeremiah Haron | Forestry Department, PMB - UNITECH,PNG | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
5 | 2010 | Cambodia | Prak Ousopha | Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
6 | 2010 | Cambodia | Ouch Kemly | Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
7 | 2010 | Bangladesh | Yusuf Chowdury | University of Chittagone, Bangladeshi | BJFU | Forestry | |
8 | 2010 | Bangladesh | Mohammad Rahmat Ullah | University of Chittagone, Bangladeshi | BJFU | Forestry | |
9 | 2011 | Thailand | Preechacharoensri Chonlanet | Royal Forest Department, Thailand | BJFU | Forestry | |
10 | 2011 | Myanmar | Ei Thandar Bol | University of Forestry,Forest Department,Ministry of Forestry | BJFU | Forestry | |
11 | 2011 | Nepal | Lok Raj Nepal | Department of Forest,Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation | BJFU | Forestry | |
12 | 2011 | Lao PDR | Soukhavong Metmany | Faculty of Forestry Science National University of Lao | BJFU | Forestry | |
13 | 2011 | Malaysia | Rosaizan Haryani Binti Rosli | Forestry department peninsular,Malaysia | BJFU | Forestry | |
14 | 2011 | Malaysia | Iqtie Qamar Laila Binti Mohd Gani | Forestry department peninsular,Malaysia | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
15 | 2011 | Mongolia | Bayarkhuu Chinzorig | National University of Mongolia | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
16 | 2011 | Cambodia | Heng Sovanchandara | Royal University of Phnom Penh, Cambodia | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
17 | 2012 | Thailand | Siriluck Thammanu | Royal Forest Department, Thailand | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
18 | 2012 | Myanmar | Ei Sandi Sett | University of Forestry,Forest Department,Ministry of Forestry | BJFU | Forestry | |
19 | 2012 | Nepal | Digambar Singh Dahal | FECOFUN | BJFU | Forestry | |
20 | 2012 | Vietnam | Nguyen Trong Minh | Vietnam forestry university | BJFU | Forestry | |
21 | 2012 | Malaysia | Noradli Bin Parsada | Forestry Department of Peninsular Malaysia | BJFU | Forestry | |
22 | 2012 | Indonesia | Arif Sulfiantono |
Merapi Volcano National Park Forestry Ministry |
BJFU | Forestry | |
23 | 2012 | Bangladesh | Rahman Abu Zafar Md Hasanur | Ministry of Environment and Forests, Forest Department | BJFU | Forestry | |
24 | 2012 | Lao PDR | Khambay Khamphilavong | National University of Laos | BJFU | Forestry | |
25 | 2013 | Lao PDR |
Souphida Chanthakhad |
Division of Post and Telecommunications, Vientiane province, Lao PDR (Bachelor Degree in Forestry) |
BJFU | Forestry | |
26 | 2013 | PNG | Vesters Palo | PNG Forest Authority | BJFU | Forestry | |
27 | 2013 | Myanmar |
Kyaw Myo Linn |
Myanmar Timber Enterprise, Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
28 | 2013 | Mexico |
Ronquillo- Gorgua, Noe |
Forest Services and Assessments Company of Mexico | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
29 | 2013 | Mexico |
Juan Regino Maldonado |
National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
30 | 2014 | Myanmar | Kay Zin Than | Forest Research Institute | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
31 | 2014 | Myanmar | Kyaw Thu Moe | Department of Forest,Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
32 | 2014 | Malaysia | Izaidah Binti Talib | Forest Department Peninsular Malaysia | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
33 | 2014 | Nepal | Shovit Koirala | Nepal Agroforestry Seed Co-operative Ltd.(NAFSCOL) | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
34 | 2014 | Lao PDR | Vongkhamheng Chansack | Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment, Department of Forest Resource management Lao PDR | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
35 | 2014 | Lao PDR | Sythud Phimmachanh | Department of Forest Resource Management, Lao PDR | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
36 | 2014 | Mongolia | Gunjargal Balt | National University of Mangolia | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
37 | 2014 | Malaysia | Nor Halizah Binti Abd. Halim | Forestry department peninsular,Malaysia | NJFU | Forestry |
38 | 2014 | Myanmar | Tet Nay Tun | Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry,Forest Department | NJFU | Forestry | |
39 | 2014 | Nepal | Daya Ram Poudel | Government of Nepal, Department of Forest | NJFU | Forestry | |
40 | 2014 | Nepal | Kishor Rimal | Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal | NJFU | Forestry | |
41 | 2014 | Lao PDR | Bounpasakxay Khamphoumi | Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry | NJFU | Forestry | |
42 | 2014 | Mongolia | Batchimeg Batbold | Specialized Inspection Agency of Mongolian | NJFU | Environmental Engineering | |
43 | 2014 | PNG | Rabbie Lalo | PNG Forest Authority | NJFU | Forestry | |
44 | 2014 | Pakistan | Muhammad Ramzan | University of Agriculture | NJFU | Forestry | |
45 | 2014 | Pakistan | Uzma Najam | Pakistan Red Crescent Society | NJFU | Environmental Engineering | |
46 | 2015 | Myanmar | Theint Theint Tun | Forest Department, Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
47 | 2015 | Myanmar | Aye Chan Ko Ko | Dry Zone Greening Department, Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
48 | 2015 | Nepal | Debendra Bhandari | Department of Forests, Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
49 | 2015 | Nepal | Bhojraj Pathak | Department of Forests, Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
50 | 2015 | Mongolia | Maralgoo Ganbat | N/A | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
51 | 2015 | Mongolia | Khulan Myagmar | National University of Mongolia | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
52 | 2015 | Cambodia | Mang Tukla | Cambodia Forestry Administration | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
53 | 2015 | Sri Lanka | E.M.P.B. Ekanayake | Department of Forests Conservation of Sri Lanka | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
54 | 2015 | Myanmar | Sai Tay Zar Myo | Extraction Department, Myanmar Timber Enterprise, Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry | NJFU | Forestry | |
55 | 2015 | Lao PDR | Phomsanh Chantharangsone | Faculty of Forestry Science-National University of Laos | NJFU | Forestry | |
56 | 2015 | Mongolia | Baigali Bayarkhuu | National University of Mongolia | NJFU | Environmental Engineering | |
57 | 2015 | Lao PDR | Souvanthone Douangphachanh | Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, Savannakhet University | NJFU | Environmental Engineering | |
58 | 2016 | Thailand | Intongkaew Wisuthra | Royal forest department, Thailand | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management | |
59 | 2016 | Nepal | Pradeep Baral | IMPACT Nepal, Maitighar Kathmandu, Nepal | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management | |
60 | 2016 | Peru | Urriola Canchari Nadia Nora | Pacific Peru cargo S.A.C | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management | |
61 | 2016 | Malaysia | Siti Fatimah Binti Ramli | Ministry of Natural Resouces and Environment(NRE),Malaysia | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management | |
62 | 2016 | Nepal | Bhakta Raj Giri | Governmanet of Nepal, Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management | |
63 | 2016 | Myanmar | Zar Zar Win Thein | Extraction Department, Myanmar Timber Enterprise, Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management | |
64 | 2016 | Lao PDR | Phavanar Sombanpheng | Department of Forestry(DOF),Laos | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management | |
65 | 2016 | Mongolia | Togtokhbayar Erdene Ochir | Forest Resource & Research Utilization Department, Forest Research & Development Center (FRDC)-State Owned Enterprise, Mongolia | NJFU | Forestry | |
66 | 2016 | PNG | Judah Timothy Lasavu Mantu | PNG forestry Authority | NJFU | Forestry | |
67 | 2016 | Malaysia | Nur Afzan Binti Anuar | Forestry Department Peninsular,Malaysia | NJFU | Forestry | |
68 | 2016 | Mongolia | Bayarbaatar Soronzonbold | Grand Forest LLC | NJFU | Forestry | |
69 | 2016 | Lao PDR | Phonepakay Phongoudome | National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute | NJFU | Environmental Engineering | |
70 | 2016 | Lao PDR | Khonethong Soukphaxay | National university of Laos | NJFU | Forestry Engineering | |
71 | 2016 | Myanmar | Khaing Yi Mon Lin | Mandalay Region Environmental Conservation Department, Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry | NJFU | Forestry | |
72 | 2016 | Bangladesh | Muhamed Jamal Hosen Talukder | Forest Department, Bangladesh | NJFU | Forestry | |
73 | 2016 | Myanmar | Zayar Phyo | Myanmar Timber Enterprise, Ministry of Environmental Conversation and Forestry | NJFU | Forestry | |
74 | 2016 | Lao PDR | Khamla Sinthavong | Department of Forestry(DOF),Laos | NJFU | Forestry | |
75 | 2017 | Nepal | THAPA, SHIVARAJ | National Federation of forest Resource User Nepal-Employee | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management | |
76 | 2017 | Myanmar | AYE,WAINYEIN | Forest Department -Range Officer | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management | |
77 | 2017 | Cambodia | SRY,VUTHY | Cambodia Forestry Administration -Field Forester | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management | |
78 | 2017 | Cambodia | KIM, MARIN | WWF-Cambodia-Employee | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management | |
79 | 2017 | Mongolia | TSEND-AYUSH,MUNKHZUL | Communications Regulatory Commission-Senior expert | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management | |
80 | 2017 | Thailand | AREE,SASIMA | Royal Forest Department-Officer | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management | |
81 | 2017 | Vietnam | NGUYEN, THI HANH LINH | Power Tech limited company-General manager assistant translator | BJFU | Forestry Economics and Management | |
82 | 2017 | Fiji | Anjeshni Devi Narayan | Ministry of Forests,Forester | NJFU | Environmental Engineering | |
83 | 2017 | Nepal | Shivaraj Thapa |
Makwanpur Forester’s Society(NEFUG), Forest Technician |
NJFU | Forestry | |
84 | 2017 | PNG | Jim Kangoro Menge |
PNG Forest Authority, Supervisor |
NJFU | Forestry | |
85 | 2017 | Myanmar | Naw Thu Thu Win |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation,Forest Department, Traning and Research Development Division, Ranger Officer |
NJFU | Forestry | |
86 | 2017 | Myanmar | Khant Ko Hlaing |
Ministry ofNatural Resources and Environmental Conservation,Forest Department, Ranger Officer |
NJFU | Forestry | |
87 | 2017 | Nepal | Sandeep Sharma | CARE Nepal,Field Coordinator | NJFU | Forestry | |
88 | 2017 | Nepal | Kapil Dahal | CARE Nepal,Field Officer | NJFU | Forestry | |
89 | 2017 | Lao | Duangsavanh Saophimpha | Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry,Department of Forest Inspection, Forest Enforcement Officer | NJFU | Forestry | |
90 | 2017 | Lao | Noknoy Dalasak |
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry,Department of Forestry, Officer |
NJFU | Forestry | |
91 | 2017 | Lao | Phouthone Komkieng |
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Department of Forestry, Forest Inventory and Planning Division,Technical Staff |
NJFU | Forestry | |
92 | 2017 | Mongolia | MYADAGBADAM BATDORJ | Independent Living Center for the Disabled People/ training manager | NWAFU | Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control | |
93 | 2017 | Mongolia | ZOLJARGAL SAINBUYAN | National University of Mongolia | NWAFU | Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control | |
94 | 2017 | Mongolia | GANBAATAR NARMANDAKH | German Agency for International Cooperation in Mongolia/ conversion factor for charcoal production | NWAFU | Forestry Protection | |
95 | 2017 | Uzbekistan | KHAMIDOV SARDOR | Eco GIS Center,Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers(TIIAME)/ office worker | NWAFU | Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control | |
96 | 2017 | Tajikistan | DAVLATBEKOV FAYZMAMAD | International School/ instructor | NWAFU | Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control | |
97 | 2017 | Mongolia | GANTUMUR GANTSETSEG | the University of Humanities | NWAFU | Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control | |
98 | 2017 | Mongolia | SHINIINEGEN SHINECHIMEG | Mongolian University of Science and Technology | IMAU | Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control | |
99 | 2017 | Mongolia | TSEVEG-OCHIR NYAMGARAV | Mongolian University of Life Science | IMAU | Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control | |
100 | 2017 | Mongolia | LKHAGVASUREN SARUULTUYA | Mongolian University of Life Science | IMAU | Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control | |
101 | 2017 | Mongolia | DASHDENDEV SANJAASUREN | Mongolian State University of Agricultral | IMAU | Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control | |
102 | 2017 | Mongolia | NARANCHIMEG UNUR | Mongolian State University of Agricultral | IMAU | Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control | |
103 | 2017 | Tajikistan | SATTOROV KOMRON | NGO Umedbakhsh | IMAU | Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control | |
104 | 2018 | Vietnam | Thi Thao Do |
HT International Trading and Services Company Limited -Translator |
BFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
105 | 2018 | Bangladesh | Jitendra Chakma | Hebei university - Student | BFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
106 | 2018 | Vietnam | Thi Hong Nguyen |
Apax Holdings Joint Stock Company - Branch Operations Manager |
BFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
107 | 2018 | Cambodia | Naro Say |
Forestry Administration of Cambodia - Research Assistant |
BFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
108 | 2018 | Thailand | Rabieb Srigongpan |
Royal Forest Department - Forestry Technical Officer |
BFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
109 | 2018 | Myanmar | Ni Zin Phoo |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, Ranger Officer |
NFU | Forestry | |
110 | 2018 | Myanmar | Phyo Min Han |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, Ranger Officer |
NFU | Forestry | |
111 | 2018 | Myanmar | Soe Soe New |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation, Staff Officer |
NFU | Forestry | |
112 | 2018 | Indonesia | Indra Yudistira |
Ministry of Environment and Forestry Republic of Indonesia, Data Analyst |
NFU | Forestry | |
113 | 2018 | Nepal | Manjit Bista |
Government of Nepal, Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, Ranger |
NFU | Forestry | |
114 | 2018 | Lao PDR | Phitsamai Dalalom |
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Department of Forestry, Division of National Protected Area, Forest officer |
NFU | Forestry | |
115 | 2018 | Thailand | Atcharaporn Daisai | RECOFTC, Communication and Information Management officer | NFU | Forestry | |
116 | 2018 | Peru | Badys Chuquizuta Del Castilo | Research Institute of the Peruvian Amazon | NFU | Environmental Engineering | |
117 | 2018 | Cambodia | Bunly Chum |
Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, NGO Staff |
NFU | Environmental Engineering | |
118 | 2018 | Mongolia | Byambadolgor Batdorj |
Institute of Geography and Geo-Ecology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Researcher |
NFU | Environmental Engineering | |
119 | 2018 | Tajikistan | ZHOLA SEBARGAEVA | Sheraton Administration | NWAFU | Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control | |
120 | 2018 | Tajikistan | MAVISIM NAZARBUNOV | Tajikistan Agrarian University student | NWAFU | Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control | |
121 | 2018 | Tajikistan | KHAMROZ TOSHMAMADOV | Tajikistan Agrarian University student | NWAFU | Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control | |
122 | 2018 | Cambodia | KIN SAOTHOU | Argo-Agriculture Farm Farm manager | NWAFU | Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control | |
123 | 2018 | Uzbekistan | SHADIBEKOVA MAKHIYO | Private Pharmacy Assistant | NWAFU | Forest Protection | |
124 | 2018 | Mongolia | ORDRENTSEN LKHAGVAJARGAL | National University of Mongolia Reserach assistant | NWAFU | Forest Protection | |
125 | 2019 | Lao PDR | THONGSOUK SOMPOUVISET | Student of Northwest A&F University | NWAFU | Environmental Engineering | |
126 | 2019 | Cambodia | CHESDA KHOT | Government Official, Forest Administration | NWAFU | Forestry | |
127 | 2019 | Tajikistan | FAYZMAMAD DA VLATBEKOV | Student of Northwest A&F University | NWAFU | Agricultural Economics and Management | |
128 | 2019 | Bangladesh | MILON BARMON | BI Research Institute | NWAFU | soil and water conservation | |
129 | 2019 | Uzbekistan | SAMANDAR IKROMOV | Tashkent State Agrarian University | NWAFU | Forestry Protection | |
130 | 2019 | Uzbekistan | SHOKHRUKH TUKHTASINOV | Tashkent State Agrarian University | NWAFU | Forestry Protection | |
131 | 2019 | Tajikistan | NURALI MEKHRBONU | Tajik Agrarian University | NWAFU | Soil and Water Conservation | |
132 | 2019 | Tajikistan | SHAMIL NAVRUZOV | Khorog State University | NWAFU | Forestry Protection | |
133 | 2019 | Myanmar | SAW MAUNG THEIM | Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservaton | NFU | Environmental Engineering | |
134 | 2019 | Myanmar | HEINN KHANT | Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservaton | NFU | Forestry | |
135 | 2019 | Myanmar | NAY AUNG | Forestry department,Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation | NFU | Forestry | |
136 | 2019 | Myanmar | PHYO SAN | Ministry of Natrual Resoures and Environmental Conservation | NFU | Forestry | |
137 | 2019 | Nepal | SUWASH KUNWAR | Government of Nepal, Ministry of Forests and Environment | NFU | Forestry | |
138 | 2019 | Myanmar | ZIN WIN LATT | University of Forestry and Environmental Science | NFU | Forestry | |
139 | 2019 | Nepal | DINESH SATYAL | Government of Nepal ,Ministry of forests and environment | NFU | Forestry | |
140 | 2019 | Myanmar | NAY YU | Forest Department,Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation | NFU | Forestry | |
141 | 2019 | Lao PDR | LEE XIONG | Northern Agriculture and Forestry college | NFU | Forestry | |
142 | 2019 | Lao PDR | VISEUY INDAVONG | Faculty of Forest Science, National University of Laos | NFU | Forestry | |
145 | 2019 | Myanmar | THURA HTIKE AUNG | Forest Department,Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation | NFU | Forestry | |
146 | 2019 | Bangladesh | SAJJAD HOSSAIN SHOZIB | Lighter Youth Foundation,Human Resources | NFU | Environmental Engineering | |
147 | 2019 | Myanmar | ZIN MYO HTET | Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation | NFU | Forest Management | |
148 | 2019 | Myanmar | KYI LWIN | Assistant Director, Environmental Conservation Department | NFU | Environmental Engineering | |
149 | 2019 | Malaysia | Nor Halizah Binti Abd. Halim | Forestry department peninsular,Malaysia | NFU | Forestry | |
150 | 2019 | Cambodia | VANNAK CHROEK | Creative Green Design | BFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
151 | 2019 | Myanmar | AUNG WUNNA TUNTUN | Environmental Conservation Department | BFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
152 | 2019 | Bangladesh | SOURAV CHAKMA | Sundarbans Environmental and Lively -wood Security (SEALS) | BFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
153 | 2019 | Bangladesh | FERDOUSI JANNATUL | Ministry of Education | BFU | Forestry Economics and Management(FEM) | |
154 | 2019 | Myanmar | WAI NYEIN AYE | Governer | BFU | Forestry | |
155 | 2019 | Cambodia | SAMNANG SAN | Ministry of Natural Resources and Enviormental Conservation | NWAFU | Forestry protection | |
156 | 2019 | Myanmar | PHYO WAI | Forest Department,Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation | NFU | Forestry | |
157 | 2019 | Myanmar | PHYO WAI | Forest Department, Myanmar | NFU | Forestry | |
158 | 2019 | China | Yang Kaiyan | Chulalongkorn University | Environmental, Development and Sustainability | ||
159 | 2019 | China | Yang Siyao | Chulalongkorn University | Environmental, Development and Sustainability | ||
160 | 2020 | China | Chen Lijun | Chulalongkorn University | Environmental, Development and Sustainability | ||
161 | 2020 | China | Mou Junning | Chulalongkorn University | Environmental, Development and Sustainability | ||
162 | 2020 | Vietnam | LE THI HANH | Vietnamese Academy of Forestry Sciences(VAFS), researcher | NFU | Silviculture | |
163 | 2020 | Lao PDR |
Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, Savannakhet University | NFU | Forest Management | |
164 | 2020 | Bangladesh | MASHELI CHAKMA | Beijing Forestry University | BFU | Forestry | |
165 | 2020 | Myanmar | PHYU PHYU THINN | Forest Department | BFU | Forest Economics&Management | |
166 | 2020 | Bangladesh | JYOTI RIZWANA EDRIS | O' Solution Company | NWA&FU | Economics and Management of Agriculture and Forestry | |
167 | 2020 | Vietnam | PHAM THANH HA | Vietnam National Forestry University | NWA&FU | Forestry | |
168 | 2020 | VIETNAM | PHAM THI TRANG | Bac Giang Agriculture and Forestry University | NFU | Forestry | |
169 | 2020 | Lao PDR | SOMPHAVY KEOKA | Forest Inventory and Planning Division, Department of Forestry, Remote Sensing and GIS Technical Staff | NFU | Forestry | |
170 | 2020 | MYANMAR | NYI NYI ZAW |
NFU | Forestry | |
171 | 2020 | MYANMAR | CHAN MYAE AUNG |
NFU | Forestry | |
172 | 2020 | Indonesia | ULFAH KARMILA SARI |
Research and Development Institute for Natural Resources Conservation Technology |
NFU | Forestry | |
173 | 2020 | MYANMAR | ZIN WIN TUN |
NFU | Forestry | |
174 | 2020 | BANGLADESH | RUKAIA SHULTANA | Begum Rokeya University | NFU | Environmental Engineering | |
175 | 2020 | MYANMAR | MI MI KO | Myanma Timber Enterprise, Senior Timber Ranger | NFU | Forestry | |
176 | 2020 | MYANMAR | YAN PAING |
NFU | Forestry | |
177 | 2020 | Lao PDR | KHAMLEUXA KHOUNSISOUNTHONE | National University of Laos | NFU | Forestry | |
178 | 2020 | MYANMAR | PHYU THWE WIN | Dry Zone Greening Department | NFU | Forestry | |
179 | 2020 | MYANMAR | TIN LAY NWE | Myanmar Timber Enterprise | NFU | Forestry | |
180 | 2020 | MYANMAR | LIN HTIKE | Environmental Conservation Department | NFU | Forestry | |
181 | 2020 | BANGLADESH | MD ABU BAKKAR SIDDIK | Shahjalal University of Science and Technology | NFU | Forestry Engineering | |
182 | 2020 | Thailand | MONTHUDA SUDDHIBONGSE | Royal Forest Department | BFU | Forestry Economics & Management | |
183 | 2020 | Cambodia | CHOEUN TIM | Mondulkiri Province Department of Environment | BFU | Forestry Economics & Management | |
184 | 2020 | MYANMAR | KHAING MAY SOE THAUNG | Forest Department | BFU | Forestry Economics & Management | |
185 | 2020 | BANGLADESH | DEVASHISH KUMAR GHOSH | Center for Natural Resource Studies (CNRS), Dhaka | BFU | Forestry Economics & Management | |
186 | 2020 | MYANMAR | AYE THET HTAR HTAR | Forest Department | BFU | Forestry Economics & Management | |
187 | 2020 | MYANMAR | AYE CHAN CHAN | Minoru Keiwa Myanmar Co.,Ltd | NWA&FU | Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control | |
188 | 2020 | INDIA | SARKAR SUBHADIP | Sasya shyamala krishi vigyan kendra Csisa Project | NWA&FU | Forest Protection | |
189 | 2020 | CAMBODIA | PICH SELA | Cam Agriculture Import Export, Co ltd | NWA&FU | Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control | |
190 | 2020 | Lao PDR | SI XIONG | Faculty of Forest Sciene, National University of Lao | NWA&FU | Forestry |