The International Forum “Together Towards Global Green Supply Chains” was held by CTWPDA, CINFT-NFGA, ITTO and ATIBT on 22-23 October in Shanghai, China. The forum aimed to promote the advancement of legal and sustainable supply chains which will incentivize good production practices, contribute to responsible purchasing practices while also leading to additional benefits of poverty alleviation, creation of employment, economic growth, income generation etc. whilst complementing climate change mitigation.
APFNet’s Assistant Executive Director, Dr Zhang Zhongtian joined the panel for the session “Contribution of Wood Industry Sector to Climate Impact and Sustainable Development”. “The forest industry is a key player of deforestation and degradation in tropical forests. Therefore, they have responsibility in combatting climate change and improving the livelihoods of the poor who are dependent on the tropical forests,” said Dr Zhang. Dr Zhang emphasised that the Chinese companies can play an important role in changing the practice to make positive changes to the industry and protect the remaining tropical forests.
Dr Zhang also introduced the progress of APFNet activities in promoting reforestation and forest rehabilitation to combat climate change, including developing modelling tools for forest adaptation in the Asia-Pacific and helping to measure carbon stock in Thailand.
APFNet has also supported the promotion of legal timber trade through the project on supporting small community-based forest enterprises in the Greater Mekong Subregion. The project sponsored advanced machinery and equipment to local enterprises to improve the efficiency of timber processing, so as to improve livelihoods and reduce the pressure on forests.