Register Here for the “Holding Forests Accountable - APFNet Forest Carbon Accounting Zoom Webinar”
23 Nov 2021     From:
APFNet is launching a webinar titled “Holding Forests Accountable - APFNet Forest Carbon Accounting Zoom Webinar" to exhibit APFNet’s forest-carbon-related projects and share experiences and methodologies in forest carbon accounting from 14:00 – 17:00 (China Standard time) on December 8th, 2021. To register, please click here:
The details for enrollment are as follows:
Copious evidence has indicated that global climate change has led to environmental changes and influenced human social and economic activities. As both carbon sources and carbon sinks, forests have the potential to play an important role in combating global climate change. The forestry sector can contribute to curbing climate change through cost-effective approaches such as afforestation, sustainable forest management, and reducing deforestation and degradation.

Efforts have been made across the globe to capture carbon in forest landscape. The Kyoto Protocol, adopted in 1997, recognizes biological sinks and sources in the accounting system of its Parties, establishing the opportunities to consider emissions and removals from forest management in the national emission reduction commitment. The Paris Agreement, signed in 2015, further encourages parties to conserve and enhance forest carbon stocks and reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation. It requires all parties to prepare National Determined Contributions (NDCs) to set out their commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and their plans in meeting these commitments, including inventories of emissions and removals from land use, land use change and forestry.

Forest carbon accounting is the crucial component in obtaining baselines against which carbon capture and storage efforts can be measured. It prepares territories for accounting and reporting of carbon sequestration from the forestry sector. Measurements of baseline data and data in different forest management scenarios allows comparing the size of forest carbon stocks and their annual changes. It quantifies afforestation, sustainable forest management, and reducing deforestation, and transfers the results of these efforts into calculable carbon credits, allowing trade in carbon markets and for forest carbon to be included in climate policy targets. The forest carbon accounting guidance from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the primary source of guidance for forest carbon measurement. However, IPCC guidance is vast and challenging to navigate, and many forestry practitioners lack assistance to interpret the guidance and apply the methodology suitable to their sites.

Recognizing the key role of forests as carbon sinks and carbon sources, Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management and Rehabilitation (APFNet) has launched five different projects regarding forest carbon accounting by far. These projects, situated in different locations in China, the Greater-Mekong Subregion (GMS), and Southeast Asia, measure carbon stocks and/or emissions with ground measurement or aerial images, selecting the most effective and efficient measures that are applicable to the respective economy and site conditions. While valuable data on forest carbon has been collected and analyzed, further communication between these practitioners and experts would allow them to exchange experiences, share lessons learned, and better understand international standardized carbon accounting methodology. APFNet online meeting "Holding Forests Accountable - APFNet Forest Carbon Accounting Zoom Webinar" aims to provide a platform not only for APFNet’s project partners to exhibit project outputs but also for experts and practitioners from relevant fields to exchange experiences on forest carbon measurement and better understand the international standardized forest carbon accounting guidance. By increasing the understanding of carbon accounting and learning the uncertainties and constraints, participants would have the potential to further improve their own carbon accounting methodology and gain insights into the carbon storage potential of forests across Asia, enabling them to better integrate forests into their climate change mitigation plans.
December 8, 2021 14:00-17:00, China Standard Time
Attendees from all parties are welcome. This virtual meeting will use Zoom as the platform. All are required to register here by December 7th to enter the meeting:
Time Speaker Title & Organization APFNet Project Talk Title
14:00-14:15 Anna Finke Division Director, Project Management Division, APFNet NA Opening remarks:
Introduction of APFNet and APFNet's vision on carbon
14:15-14:40 Dr. Guosheng Wang Professor, Academy of Forestry and Grassland Inventory and Planning, Administration of  Forestry and Grassland NA MRV rules related to forestry and land use under Paris Agreement and challenges in China
14:40-15:00 Dr Haruni Krisnawati
Dr Luba Volkova
Principal Researcher, Research Professor, Ministry of Environment and Forestry
Indonesia; Senior Research Fellow, Ecosystem and Forest Sciences, the University of Melbourne
Improving capacities towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions from peat swamp forest fires in Indonesia  Improving capacities towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions from peat swamp forest fires in Indonesia: forest carbon accounting and emission estimation from peatland fires
15:00-15:20 Dr. Chunqian Jiang Professor, Research Institute of Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry Demonstration on Sustainable Forest Management and Restoration in Hilly and Low Mountain Area of Southern China The Forest Carbon Stock in  Demonstration Sites  of APFNet Project, Southern China
15:20-15:30 All Attendees  NA NA Break
15:30-15:50 Dr. Khwanchai Duangsathaporn Head, Department of Forest Management, Kasetsart University Faculty of Forestry (KUFF) To Demonstrate the Development and Application of Standing-Tree Carbon Equations to Improve the Accuracy of Forest-Cover Carbon Stock Estimates in Thailand Developing standing-tree carbon equations to improve the accuracy of forest-cover carbon stock estimates in Thailand
15:50-16:10 Dr. Yong Pang Professor, Chinese Academy of Forestry Study on forest carbon storage and carbon sink potential of Wangyedian Forest Farm Forest Aboveground Carbon Density Estimation Using Lidar Remote Sensing Technology
16:10-16:30 Dr. Xiangdong Lei
Professor, Institute of Forest Resource Information Techniques, Chinese Academy of Forestry Regional Forest Observations for Sustainable Forest Management Forest Inventory for Ecosystem Carbon Estimation at Forest Management Unit Level: A Case Study at Wangyedian Forest Farm
16:30-16:50 All Attendees NA NA Q&A or experience sharing
16:50-17:00 Anna Finke Division Director, Project Management Division, APFNet NA Closing remarks
1. A summary report on APFNet carbon-related projects
2. Strengthened connections and communication between project partners and experts
3. Increased opportunities to launch forest carbon projects
Li Zhi
Project Manager,
Project Management Division,
Anna Finke
Division Director,
Project Management Division,