成员经济体 | 类别 | 姓 名 | 机构与职位 |
澳大利亚 | 代表 | Mr. Keiran Andrusko |
Director International Forest Policy Section Agvet Chemicals & Forestry Branch Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry |
代表 | Ms. Katie Stokes |
Assistant Director International Forest Policy Section Agvet Chemicals & Forestry Branch Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry |
联络员 | Ms. Sami Fattah |
Senior Policy Officer International Forest Policy Section Agvet Chemicals & Forestry Branch Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry |
孟加拉 | 代表 | Md. Amir Hosain Chowdhury |
Chief Conservator of Forests Bangladesh Forest Department |
联络员 | Mr. Imran Ahmed |
Assistant Chief Conservator of Forests Development Planning Unit Forest Department |
文莱 | 代表 | Ms. Noralinda Haji Ibrahim |
Acting Director of Forestry Department of Forestry Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism |
联络员 | Mr. Shahri Hj Hussin |
Acting Deputy Director of Forestry Department of Forestry Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism |
联络员 | Ms. Duratul Ain Haji Durani |
International relations and NDP Division Forestry Department Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism |
柬埔寨 | 代表 | Dr. Sokh Heng (Mr) |
Director Institute of Forest and Wildlife Research and Development Forestry Administration Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
联络员 | Mr. Seab Kimsrim |
Official Institute of Forest Research and Development, Forestry Administration Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries |
加拿大 | 代表 | Mr. Pierre-Jonathan Teasdale |
Director Trade and International Affairs, Natural Resources Canada-Canadian Forest Service |
联络员 | Mr. Talha Sadiq | Policy Analyst, Trade and International Affairs,Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service | |
智利 |
代表/联络员 | Rodrigo Andrade Ramirez | Executive Secretary, National Forestry Corporation, Chile |
中国 | 代表 | Dr.XIA Jun |
Director General Department of International Cooperation, National Forestry and Grassland Administration |
代表 | Mr. Hu Yuanhui |
Director General Coordination Center for APFNet, National Forestry and Grassland Administration |
联络员 | Ms. Chen Lin |
Acting Division Director Multilateral Cooperation Division Department of International Cooperation National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China |
斐济 | 代表 | Mr. Tevita Bulai | Executive Director, Forestry Operations and Services, Ministry of Forestry, Fiji |
联络员 | Mr. Alivereti Naikatini |
Acting Deputy Conservator of Forests (Research &Development) Ministry of Foresry, Fiji |
中国香港 | 代表 | Dr. YIP Yin |
Assistant Director (Country & Marine Parks) Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department |
联络员 | Mr.Polam CHAN | Country Parks Officer (Technical Services), Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department | |
印度 | 联络员 | Dr. Ranjana Gupta |
Chief Conservator of Forests (Wetlands) Ministry of Environment & Forests Government of India |
联络员 | Mr. Noyal Thomas |
IFS, IGF, Project Elephant, Forest Policy O/o IGF (NT) Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change Government of India |
印度尼西亚 | 代表 | Mr. Helmi Basalamah |
Director General of Extension and Human Resource Development Agency Ministry of Environment and Forestry |
联络员 | Mr. Iman Santoso | Head of Program Cooperation Division, Secretariat of Extension and Human Resources Development Agency Ministry of Environment and Forestry | |
老挝 | 联络员 | Mr. Airyai Vongxay | Senior Officer Wildlife and CITES Management Division Department of Forestry Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry |
马来西亚 | 代表 | Mr. Siva Kumar Solay Rajah | Undersecretary Biodiversity and Forestry Management Division Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability, Malaysia |
代表 | Nadzmin Ahmad Nazir |
Deputy Undersecretary Biodiversity and Forestry Management Division Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability, Malaysia |
联络员 | Mr. Subestheran Suparmaniam | Principal Assistant Secretary, Biodiversity and Forestry Management Division, Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change |
联络员 | Ms. Harry Yong | Director of International Affairs Division International Affairs Division Forestry Department of Peninsular Malaysia |
墨西哥 | 代表 | Ms. Sergio Graf Montero |
Director General National Forestry Commission |
联络员 | Ms. Silvia Llamas Prado |
Manager of International Cooperation at the National Forestry Commission | |
蒙古国 | 代表 | Dr. Oyunsanaa Byambasuren(Mr) | Director General, National Forest Agency, Ministry of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia |
联络员 | Prof. Baatarbileg Nachin(Mr,Dr ) | Dean of the Graduate School, National University of Mongolia | |
缅甸 | 代表 | Mr. Htay Aung |
Director General Forest Department Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation |
联络员 | Mr. Moe Zaw | Director of Forest Research Institute and also Project Director of Integrated Forest Ecosystem Management Planning and Demonstration Project in Greater Mekong Sub-region-Myanmar | |
联络员 | Dr. Ei Ei Swe Hlaing(Ms) |
Assistant Director Forest Research Institute Forest Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation |
尼泊尔 | 代表 | Mr. Badri Raj Dhungana | Joint Secretary and Chief of Planning Monitoring and Coordination Division,Ministry of Forests and Environment, Government of Nepal |
联络员 | Ms.Deepa Oli |
Under Secretary (tech.) Development Cooperation Coordination Section/Program and Planning Section Ministry of Forests and Environment Government of Nepal |
新西兰 | 代表 | absent | |
联络员 | absent | ||
巴布亚新几内亚 | 代表 | Mr. Dambis Kaip |
Director Forest Policy and Planning Directorate National Forest Service PNG Forest Authority |
联络员 | Mr. Tunou Sabuin |
Managing Director Office of The Managing Director National Forest Service PNG Forest Authority |
秘鲁 | 代表 | Mr. Jose Alberto Muro Ventura | Deputy Executive Director, National Forest and Wildlife Service (SERFOR) |
联络员 | Ms. Carola Gabriela Peralta Carrera | Director of the Office of International Cooperation, National Forest and Wildlife Service (SERFOR) | |
菲律宾 | 代表 | Mr. Arleign J. Adorable, CESO III |
OIC-Assistant Secretary for Field Operations-Mindanao and Director, in concurrent capacity,Forest management bureau, Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources, Republic of the Philippines |
联络员 | Ms. Atty. Ray Thomas F. Kabigting |
Assistant Director, Forest management bureau, Dept. of Environment & Natural Resources, Republic of the Philippines |
新加坡 | 代表 | Ms. Wendy Yap |
Director International Biodiversity Conservation Division National Parks Board |
联络员 | Mr. Hassan Ibrahim |
Deputy Director International Relations National Biodiversity Centre National Parks Board |
斯里兰卡 | 代表 | Mr. Nishantha Edirisinghe |
Conservator of Forests (Silviculture & Forest Management) |
联络员 | Ms. Utpala Kalansooriya |
Conservator of Forests (Silviculture and Forest Management) |
中国台北 | 代表 | Mr. Frank Lin, Wha-Ching |
Director-General Forestry Bureau Council of Agriculture Chinese Taipei |
联络员 | Ms. Mu-Tzu Yu |
Associate Technical Specialist Forest Planning Division Forestry Bureau Council of Agriculture Chinese Taipei |
联络员 | Ms. Hsiu-Chuan Huang |
Section Chief of Planning Section, Forest Planning Division, Forest Bureau, Council of Agriculture Chinese Taipei |
泰国 | 代表 | Dr. Preecha Ongprasert(Mr) | Director of Forestry Foreign Affairs Office, Royal Forest Department |
联络员 | Mr. Montri Intasane | Director of International Organization and Cooperation Division, Forestry Foreign Affairs Office, Royal Forest Department | |
美国 | 代表 | Ms. Catherine J Karr-Colque |
Division Chief, Forests Office of Conservation and Water Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs U.S. Department of State |
联络员 | Absent | ||
代表 | Mr. Luke D. Thompson |
Foreign Affairs Officer Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Office of Conservation and Water (OES/ECW), Department of State, Rm 2657 HST |
越南 | 代表 | Dr. Tran Nho Dat | Acting Head, Division of Special-Use and Protected Forests, Department of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development |
联络员 | Dr. Pham Duy Long | Officer, Division of Special-Use and Protected Forests, Department ofForestry,Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development (MARD) |
联合国粮农组织 | 联络员 | Dr. Sheila Wertz-Kanounnikoff |
Senior Forestry Officer Module Leader - Forestry and Biodiversity Secretary - Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission |
国际热带木材组织 | 代表 | Dr. Gerhard Dieterle(Mr) | Executive Director |
联络员 | Mr. Li Qiang | Market/Systems Analyst | |
亚太地区社区林业培训中心 | 代表 | Dr. David Ganz | Executive Director |
联络员 | Ms. Pimparkarn Serithammarak | Executive Secretary | |
太平洋岛国秘书处 | 代表 | absent | |
联络员 | Mr. Jalesi Mateboto | Community Forestry Technician/Project Technical Officer | |
大自然保护协会 | 代表 | Ms. Allison Lewin |
Program Manager Responsible Asia Forestry and Trade (RAFT) |